I really enjoyed working with Louise, who is gentle, caring and very professional. Her coaching is great. I came away with better self-knowledge and self-esteem and a great deal of strength that motivates me to live my dreams more fully. I really liked Louise’s approach, especially the fact that she set goals between sessions to make everything concrete. In short, I recommend her coaching with my eyes closed!


Coaching that feels good, to feel listened to, heard and understood. Not having to spend time and energy explaining a state of mind, because Louise understands everything, feels really good. This coaching helped us to understand our life mission, to feel invaded by the feeling that everything is possible and that the only limits we set ourselves are the ones we impose on ourselves. It’s an immense comfort to be aware of that. 

Thank you Louise for all your kindness and understanding. The sessions are intense, you feel drained but so soothed, aligned with yourself. And thanks to you, Louise, I’ve understood that we attract what we decide to vibrate with, and that you alone are the master of your destiny.


I’m writing this to say how pleased I am to have met Louise as a coach. I’ve been accompanied by her for several weeks and my memories are excellent! Louise is above all kind, attentive and gentle… She exudes a serene energy that helped me to feel more confident in myself. As a professional, she was extremely respectful of my pace (I had a lot of fears). Louise asked me detailed, targeted and precise questions, which helped me to become more aware of my situation and also helped her to guide me towards a clear objective. She helped me to open up all areas of my life. I can’t recommend her coaching enough!


Very satisfied with this coaching! At the age of 35 and living as a family with a one-year-old daughter, I was turning a chapter in my life when I met Louise… but I didn’t know that yet. After the 5 sessions, I’m leaving confident with new tools that have become part of my daily life. Where I come from and where I want to go is much more fluid for me. I’m better able to identify my fears and define a concrete objective. Coaching can be a wonderful gift to give; in agreement with the person, because it’s above all a personal process : )


Louise’s kindness and clear-sightedness did me a lot of good at a time when I was finding it hard to take a step back!


Don’t hesitate to leave me your testimonials about your experience too!